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Bethany and Daniel Frazier account for two of the four members of The Get Togethers, an Indie Pop Rock band living here in Nashville.They are also recent newlyweds, having tied the knot just over a year ago. Daniel’s brother, Andrew Frazier, and their good friend, Kayce Grossman, complete The Get Together coterie.

I recently had the opportunity to have dinner with Bethany and Daniel at their home in East Nashville. One of the first things I noticed when I walked in was a map on the wall marked with pink and blue strings held by thumb tacks, showing where each of them had been in the world. For their mutual trips, the two colored strings were wound together. A tagline pinned to the top of the map read, “The Misadventures of Daniel and Bethany.” For the next two hours, we talked about a few of those misadventures.

Are you all originally from Nashville or somewhere else?

Daniel: “The three of us guys are from Nashville, and Bethany is from Houston.”

How did you come up with your name, The Get Togethers?

Bethany: “After I moved to Austin, I was hanging out with a lot of people in my crazy phase of my life. I just wrote lyrics and melodies, but I didn’t play music yet. Every time I got together with people, I would say, ‘Let’s write a song,’ etc. My idea was that every person was a part of the writing of this invisible ‘million man band,’ and it was The Get Togethers. Eventually, it was narrowed down to the four of us.”

And you recently released your first full-length album, Home As In Houston, which is just phenomenal. What is the inspiration behind the album title?

Bethany: “I was living in Austin, and Austin is where I started writing this record. I was on the phone talking with a friend, and she asked me where I was going? I said, ‘Home, as in Houston.’ The moment I said it, ever since I said it six years ago, I knew that would be the album title. It has twelve songs, each song being named after each month in 2007.”

What do you guys hope to accomplish as a band?

Daniel: “We want to make it, but more than just get signed or sell a lot of CDs. I guess we want to help people, and tell our story.”

Beth and Daniel expounded on their story, and how they want to use their experiences to help people. With praiseworthy vulnerability, Bethany shared a story with me that took place for her in 2007, what she calls the worst year of her life. She proceeded in explaining that she had taken part in an affair with a female teacher at her school, and opened up about how that affected her:

Bethany: “When I had the affair when I was 17, I was like mentally insane and depressed after I graduated high school. I just went off the deep end in every way [pause, deep breath], and as I was depressed and going off the deep end, I just thought about 2007 even more and more. It was a horrible year. As I was depressed, angry, doing reckless things, the more I thought about 2007, I knew I had to document it, record the events in some fashion. I knew I had to do that, or I would never be able to let go of it.”

How has documenting your story of 2007 through the making of Home As In Houston helped you?

Bethany: “I felt like I had to make it available even for myself to see later on. At the end of the affair, I was like ashes. The reason I wanted to document it is because I thought I was in love with this person and that she was going to make my life better. I had already had a horrible childhood. People were always like, ‘What’s wrong, what’s wrong?’ And I couldn’t say anything. It was this thing that was the ultimate secret. I couldn’t tell anyone that I wanted to kill myself.”

Daniel: “It didn’t allow freedom at the time. It made us dwell on it to a more intense degree at first. But when we started dating, that’s when things started changing. Over time, things just became different. To a greater degree, the day we finished recording, there was this great feeling. It was really weird; it just felt released. Not like it was affecting us personally, but it was like, it exists, and the weight is gone. It was a really bizarre day. There was that feeling I had of importance. We had just finished something and it was important and it was good.”

How did you both come to know each other, and when did those butterflies start kicking in?


Bethany: “I met Daniel in May 2008 while I was living in Austin with my girlfriend and going to The University of Texas. On this one particular night, I exited a highway going like 60 mph and had a head-on collision. My collarbone snapped and I was taken to the emergency room…”


Daniel: “My best friend, Jonathan, who was my best friend in college had a friend named Emily, who was a mutual friend with Bethany. Jonathan and I had traveled to Texas for a Radiohead show, and that’s when he found out that his good friend, Bethany, had been in a bad car wreck. ‘Do you want to go see her with us?’ he asked me, and we went to see her at a hospital in Houston. I didn’t know I was going to marry her yet, but I just knew the second I saw her that I was doing the most important thing I had ever done. I told that to everyone that night.”

What’s it like being married and being in a band together?

Daniel: “It’s awesome, but it sucks because your marriage problems become your band problems, and vice versa. It’s really wonderful because if I was in a band without my wife, I would probably quit because I wouldn’t want to be away from her so long…”

“Oh, no!” Bethany cries out from the other room as there is suddenly a smell of burning toast wafting through the living room.

A few minutes later, the three of us were eating Tuscan bread, chicken and spinach tortellini with Alfredo sauce made by Bethany. She insisted that it tasted terrible, and Daniel and I, with complete honesty, insisted otherwise. After eating, we transitioned back into our convo.

What vibe do you have at your shows?

Daniel: “We like a mix of having a lot of fun and having an impactful emotional connection. Songs like April, June and October are really fun and have a dance-y thing going on. I like seeing people having a good time, but I like songs like November, too, that have more of an emotional draw.”

Do you guys have a favorite song on the album?

Bethany: “November. It’s about how justice exists. It’s the climax of the record. It’s the song that explains everything. You can cry to it and also find relief in it.”

Daniel: “September. Everyone has a special place in their heart for it.”

Bethany: “The music on this record has been a five year process, but we brought it all together in literally a week.”

Daniel: “Beth wrote the opening riff for September five years ago.”

Bethany: “The first time we ever played this to record it was the first time we ever played it. One take. When we came to Nashville, we ended up re-tracking it all, but we kept the original format.”

Now that the album is written and recorded, do you still want to hear it, or do you want to let others hear it but personally leave it all behind?

Bethany: “After everything we’ve been through and what this record has done in all of our lives, how it’s bonded us, how it’s changed us, we love listening to it, especially when we’re together.”

Daniel: “And we do want other people to hear it. A lot of time when you’re making a record it’s easy to get sick of it, but our process was elongated. We recorded in Seattle, moved, got married, didn’t work on it for like two months, recorded a bunch over five months, then it took another five months to mix and master.”

Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

Daniel: “I feel so blessed to be a part of it, and for my wife to be my wife. I’m excited that I get to be in a band with her and make music with her, because most people don’t get to do that, and it’s really awesome.” (Daniel then turned to Bethany and spoke to her) “It’s just really awesome to get to work on an album and have these problems with you.”

Bethany closed with a concise word of wisdom: “It’s a long road, so you might as well start walking.”

Right before I left, Beth and Daniel played Blueprints, one of their new songs, for me. She sat cross-legged on the couch arm rest and he played a Seagull guitar. As they sang, I looked around the room at the map, at a vinyl copy of Radiohead’s In Rainbows, and I thought about Bethany and Daniel’s encounters thus far, what they call their “misadventures.” I saw two people a year into marriage, two members of a phenomenal band with the music, the personality, and the story to reach millions, and I couldn’t help but sit in awe for a moment at the untold impact their lives and their music will have. 

– Adam Naylor

Interview: COIN

LarryKloess —  February 15, 2013 — Leave a comment



Cause A Scene’s Adam Naylor recently had a chance to chat with Nashville’s latest buzz band, COIN, to get to know the guys and their music a little better. Hilarity ensued.

How did you guys come up with your band name?

“We were on this eternal search for this one word that had never been used for a musical project. For all we knew,    every single word had already been taken. Just when I thought we would have to  take on the likes of a terrible name like ‘Titan and the Predators’ or ‘Casual Friday’, I found the unlikely. I was looking through race horse winners in a book in an antique store; there, I saw a horse by the name of Golden Coin. I like both of those words.” – Chase

Where in the world would you most like to go on tour?

“Australia seems like some kind of paradise.”- Joe

“I want to see everything; I want to play everywhere. However, the UK seems to have great appeal to me. I feel like success in a European market would be very neat.” – Ryan

From where do you draw your inspiration for the band?

“I find lyrics in a textbook and melodies while playing Sega Genesis. I am strangely inspired by the 90s. Oh, I have a love affair with Talking Heads. So, David Byrne often inspires me.” – Chase

“Coffee.” – Zach

“I try to rely on my mind when it comes to Coin. Obviously, I have influences, but I am always trying to create the thing that hasn’t been created.”- Ryan
“I just want to dance and feel good. Whatever does that, yes.”- Joe

When are you planning on releasing your album? Does it have a name already?

“You can expect to see a seven track EP in the Spring entitled ‘1992’.
“I think you’ll like it. Well, maybe not. But, I’d like to think that you would.”- Joe

What is your favorite thing about Nashville?

“I love the general camaraderie among all the artists and people in this town. Everyone is so supportive. It also seems like Nashville is in the middle of somewhat of a renaissance; so, that’s pretty  neat to be here for that. Also, the food isn’t too bad.”- Joe and Chase

“Broadway.” – Zach

“FROTHY MONKEY”- Everyone, in unison.


COIN’s upcoming shows:

East Nashville Underground      Nashville, TN               Feb 16

The Jewish Mother Hilltop         Virginia Beach, VA       Feb 21

The Jewish Mother Hilltop         Virginia Beach, VA       Feb 22

The Social                                 Orlando, FL                  Apr 9

Atlas Genius

LarryKloess —  February 1, 2013 — Leave a comment

Atlas Genius

A farmer who relies on his crops for a living will plow and plant his fields in order to receive a good return at harvest time. It is not enough to have a bounty of sunshine, rich soil or adequate rainfall. He has a role to play. The real risk, however, is in the gamble with the weather. The hopeful farmer can spend toilsome hours preparing his acres and still yield nothing in a season of drought or flood. Such is the music industry. Many artists and bands enter into it with high hopes of building a fan base and traveling the world, but find that they don’t end up traveling so far from home and their only avid fans still put new socks in their stockings. Success, as in the fields, is dependent upon many variables. In the case of Atlas Genius, a four-piece band from Adelaide, South Australia, that variable was timing.

I first heard of Atlas Genius last spring when my friend, Jordan, returned from spending a few months in Australia. She played a song called ‘Trojans’ through her iPod dock and said that this band was blowing up over there. The song was contagious and attached itself to the inside of my skull. After learning a little more about them, I found out that they had almost called it quits and were going to return all of their focus to school. However, their springtime arrived just in time. Dozens of record labels began to contact them and after spending last spring in the states, themselves, they decided to sign with Warner Bros. Their debut EP, “Through the Looking Glass”, continued to receive warm welcomes from new fans worldwide.

Keith Jeffrey, Michael Jeffrey, Steven Jeffrey and Darren Sell took a different approach than most bands in the making of the album. For two years, they spent their days building their own studio that fit to their likings, and played shows at night covering songs by bands like The Police and The Beatles. “We had a lot of song ideas and it was important to us to have our own studio where we could experiment and hone in on our sound,” drummer Michael Jeffrey shared.

Just a year later, their lives have drastically transformed. They are beginning to be a common name on iTunes charts, they are selling out most of their shows, and they have recently finished their first full-length album, titled “When It Was Now”, available on February 19th, and you can pre-order your own copy now on iTunes. You can also download a free song off of their new album on their website. It’s funny to think that the guys of Atlas Genius were known mainly as a cover band for almost three years and now they’re on their way to being covered by other bands.

With a colorful groove, stirring beats and catchy melodies, it’s hard not to like them. Try them out for yourself and they might become one of your favorites, too. For some bands, it’s all in the timing. Atlas Genius stuck it out through the drought and now they are riding upon a deluge that is carrying them around the world, and picking us up along the way.

– Adam Naylor

The band will be touring the US extensively throughout 2013, with a stop in Nashville for 3rd & Lindsley’s “Nashville Sunday Night” on June 9. If the first leg of their tour is any indication, you may want to get your tickets well in advance as every show has sold out thus far. With their debut album “When It Was Now” out on February 19, we’ll be hearing quite a bit from these Aussies for years to come.

Family of the Year

LarryKloess —  January 26, 2013 — Leave a comment

Family of the Year

It is likely that “let me go” is the first phrase many of us ever heard uttered by the Los Angeles based band,Family of the Year, in their hit song, “Hero”. It is just as likely that we might go against their request, as none of us will be letting them go any time soon. With so many bands vying for our attention, FOTY stands uniquely apart from the many, due in part to their tight chemistry both on and off the stage. Just like a family, Joseph Keefe, Sebastian Keefe, Alex Walker, Jamesy Buckey and Christina Schroeter lived under the same roof in Los Angeles while recording their first full-length album, ‘Loma Vista’. When asked about living in such close quarters, they admitted that there was only one bed and one couch in the whole house. Sebastian shared, “It was fun, really fun,” and quickly added, “would never do it again.” Lucky for us, we get to reap the benefits of all their long, meticulous hours in that crowded house on Loma Vista Drive.

‘Loma Vista’ offers a seamless mixture of complementary styles while staying true to its name, just like, yep, a family. You want dance-y? Boom (boom, tap), you got it. Need more melancholy and reflective? It’s there for you, love. Unlike a family, however, FOTY has grown at an excessive rate in only just over three years, having formed in 2009. They have toured with bands such as Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Good Old War, Mumford & Sons and Bell Brigade. They were selected out of almost 700 bands to open for Ben Folds and the Boston Pops Orchestra in Boston, MA after only two previous live performances as a band. Not only that, but they are already selling out venues in the United States, as well as across Europe.

When asked what they would like to say to their fans, Joseph responded, “We don’t know what we’re doing.” Still, it appears that they are doing it well, and it’s that kind of honesty that gains trust and support from a perceptive listening audience. As Family of the Year‘s music continues to fall on fresh ears, their family of fans will continue to grow, and, even though they don’t want to be our hero, we just might go against them on that, too.

Family of the Year will be playing tomorrow night at 3rd & Lindsley as part of Lightning 100’s “Nashville Sunday Night”. Tickets are still available for the show with The Devil Makes Three and Sturgill Simpson at the 3rd & Lindsley website. Hope to see you all there!

Adam Naylor