Levi Weaver: CAS Preview

Jameson —  November 13, 2012 — Leave a comment

Levi Weaver

Let me start with a very bold statement: Levi might beone of the best lyricists of this generation of musicians. I’ll stand by that as long as I have to.

Levi also has one of the most entertaining Twitter accounts out there.

If those 2 things haven’t caught your attention then I don’t know what will…

The first time I saw Levi perform was at a house show near Little 5 Points in Atlanta. We were acquaintances, and he had asked me to come open up the night. I knew very little of Levi’s music other than what I had heard from friends who knew him. From the moment Levi took the stage, I was completely captivated. He does this whole looping thing that’s pretty incredible, but what struck me most was the songs! Levi has the gift, or curse, of telling the story of the heart of humanity. He’s a philosopher poet, bringing intelligent commentary on existential thought and the human experience.

Levi’s most recent full length record, The Letters of Dr. Kurt Godel, is a hefty 15 tracks deep. Intricately crafted to highlight the lyrics and characters that Levi has created, this album delves into a great search for truth and purpose. Whether it’s wrestling with a struggle for morality in “Good and Evil”, or running away from the past in “I Am Certain I’m A Train”, Levi

His most recent release, I Am Only a Tiny Noise, is more bare, bringing forward the raw honesty that makes Levi so captivating in the first place. The EP kicks off with a beautifully soft-spoken line “I’ve never told a lie I didn’t wish was true” in “Never Want You Back”. It concludes with the Johnny Cash-esque “Dark Clay”,

    I am dark, dark clay 

    I’m all made up of earth and ugly rain

    But even when I twist myself to sad and awful shapes

    You find a way to love me anyway

    You keep finding ways to love me anyway

Just think on that one for a minute… And then come see Levi at 12th and Porter on Saturday, Nov. 17th With Seryn, Caleb, and Julia Sinclair

Levi is currently working on a new record that will drop sometime in 2013! Be on the lookout!

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