Archives For House Shows

Matthew Hegarty aka Matthew & The Atlas takes a dreamy, textured take on Americana and filters it through his extraordinarily bruised and affecting voice. As a key member of the new folk scene emerging from London in the early part of this decade, he is a revered – almost cult – figure among his fellow artists, while continuing to fly beneath the mainstream radar.
Supported by a five-piece band, 2010/11 saw him release two acclaimed EPs on Communion Records (the young and influential indie label that has been home to Ben Howard, Daughter, Gotye, Michael Kiwanuka, Marcus Foster and others) and play to a steadily growing – and increasingly evangelical – live audience in the UK.
M&TA also toured the US twice in 2011 – once supporting Mumford & Sons and once on a headline run (including a sold out show at NYC’s Mercury Lounge), and in 2012 has toured the UK and Europe with Grammy winners The Civil Wars. M&TA’s much anticipated debut album is due in 2013.

John Fullbright is a young man who finds love, beauty and pain in the here and now, but skepticism and disdain for those that would look past the world or take advantage of the dreams of those hoping for a better world. That he can articulate his worldview with an almost otherworldly precocity makes his debut studio album From The Ground Up worthy of attention. From the fertile ground of Oklahoma, another songwriting legend may be blooming.

“I have no doubt that in a short time, John Fullbright will be a household name in American music.” – Jimmy Webb

Additional details can be found on the House Show page.

Last weekend we had our biggest house show of the year, with 225+ people packed into a friends’ backyard and 3 inimitable performances from Seryn, Foreign Fields and Julia Sinclair. The night was absolutely magical: the first night of fall with just the right about of crispness in the air, a fire pit and marshmallows, to mention nothing of the 3 acts that left the entranced audience clamoring for more. Lucky for us (and for you), someone was there to capture Foreign Fields’ closing song, “Fake Arms.” Enjoy.

Another HUGE thanks to all the artists that played and the wonderful friends, new and old, who came out for the show. We’ve gotten this far because of you all, and we hope that this is just the tip of the iceberg of things to come. Thanks again!!

Seryn is a 5 piece band who calls Denton, Texas their home. When listening to the well layered textures of guitars, ukulele, accordion, bass, viola, banjo and various percussion, it’s hard to imagine This Is Where We Are is the band’s debut effort. The band’s strength resides in their vast musical talent and understanding of dynamics. Their beauty is gracefully displayed through chilling harmonies. Each member and their voice carry the same importance. One is not complete without the other.
It is in this craft that the young band shines so bright. It has earned them a sound that isn’t easily defined, but still proven triumphant. What may first appear as straight folk songs, later transcend into menacing walls of sound. The term “Folk-Pop” has been thrown around and maybe it loosely fits, but we will leave the definitions up to you.

The Denton Record-Chronicle said “Seryn’s set was so dynamic that you could feel the key changes in your feet, through Festival Hall’s concrete floor!”. While the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported, “Watching Seryn perform, it’s hard to convince yourself that those crystalline, multi-part harmonies are not pre-recorded or some kind of sleight of ear.” You can see where this is going…

“Beautiful arrangements (both in instrumentation and in vocal harmonies) and an epic, “big sky” sound that, at times, seems more fitting washing over dilapidated wooden pews in an old church than the usual torn-up couches, vinyl booths and barstools of area venues.” – Dallas Observer

“Like ice-cold water on a hot day, their music is crisp and refreshing, and I cannot get enough. The imagery packed into their set is unreal. It’s like listening to the soundtrack of a great love story, breathtaking drama, and a dark tragedy all rolled into one over-the-top, unparalleled performance.” – My Denton Music

“Seryn is fast becoming a must-see. One of Denton’s hottest bands in any genre…on the verge of big things.” – Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Foreign Fields is an electronic folk group that hails from the wintry plains of Wisconsin. New Years day of last year they met in their hometown, in an abandoned office building, to begin work on their first full length LP “Anywhere But Where I Am”. Having no set plan or guide, the album grew naturally as they left their lives in Chicago for hot summer days, skipping stones in the rivers of Tennessee. They’ve recently returned to Nashville after a string of summer dates opening for Counting Crows. Most recently, they wowed a sold out Exit/In audience opening for Paper Route. See them now before they start playing much bigger stages.
For any musician, getting a record deal or traveling on tour with seasoned, successful artists are the stuff dreams are made of. For acoustic pop songstress Julia Sinclair, those dreams are already becoming reality. She’s opened up for artists like Mat KearneyIngrid Michaelson and Graham Colton and is currently working on her debut full length album for ATO Records. All of this before even turning 20 years old mind you! Julia tastefully mixes her classically trained roots and her appreciation for modern pop music to create a sound that is equally balanced between skill and soul. (For a great example of this merging, check out this video of Julia blending her original song “Get Up” with a little of Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance” thrown in for good measure.) After traveling the country and crafting her songwriting voice for the last couple of years, she’s recently planted stakes in Nashville to capture and release those songs onto her first record, which is scheduled to be released later this year. In the meantime, she’s joined up with NoiseTrade to release her new four-song EP, Slow and Steady.

This Saturday, we are celebrating Cause A Scene’s 20th house show of the year by hosting a headliner who knows quite a thing or two (or 84,000, as in the miles she traveled in 2010) about house shows. Susan Enan is no stranger to the Nashville music scene and after playing house shows all across the globe, she’s no stranger to people in cities on the other side of the world. Check out the truly amazing, brief video below that illustrates what it’s like to play hundreds of house shows in front of people here in the states and thousands of miles away from us. I think it’s a perfect encapsulation of Susan’s passion for music and what we’re all about at Cause A Scene – bringing people together and building community through a shared love of music.

Hope to see you at the house show two nights from now. The aforementioned Susan Enan will headline with Hannah Miller and Tim Hassall on in support. If you’d like to attend or get more details before you make the 15-minute trek from Nashville to Brentwood for the show on Saturday night, please email us at

Way back in March of this year, when Cause A Scene was still in its infancy after just 3 shows, I received an email asking if we’d be interested in hosting Bill Mallonee for a house show this year. I don’t think I have ever typed a faster “Yes!” response in my life. As one of Paste Magazine’s “100 Greatest Living Songwriters” Mallonee is one of the most prolific songwriters of our era, first as the lead singer of Vigilantes of Love and now as a solo act. Years ago I remember hearing a friend in Birmingham describe Bill as the greatest songwriter he has ever heard, and if he’s not the best, he certainly deserves to be in the discussion as one of the greatest. It had been a dream of mine to see Bill perform ever since hearing my friend wax poetic about his music, I just never knew it would be in my own living room. I think you’ll see the reason for all the fuss if you’re able to be at the show this Saturday.

Cause A Scene is also proud to bring you The Olive Tree who will be opening the night. We’re really just pinching ourselves to make sure this show is real. Tickets are available in advance for $8 via Eventbrite (reserve ticket online, pay at the door) and will also be available for $12 at the door. This show will be worth every single penny. Can’t wait to see you all there!